
Tuesday, February 19, 2019


Text discussions vs. Tablets Jahrod Meyers underlying Carolina Technical College TopicShould tabs replace textbooks in K-12 schools? Specific PurposeExplaining the advantages and the disadvantages thesis StatementPublishing for the K-12 school market is an $8 one million million million persistence, with collar companies McGraw-Hill, Pearson, and Houghton Mifflin Harcourt capturing about 85% of this market. Tablets are a $35 billion industry with roughly ace in three adults owning a tablet. As tablets absorb become more prevalent, a new debate has formed everywhere whether K-12 school districts should switch from write textbooks to digital textbooks on tablets.Introduction A 4GB tablet filled with 3,500 e-books weighs a billionth of a billionth of a grand more than if it were empty of data a difference that is approximately the like weight as a molecule of DNA. The same number of material books would weigh about two tons. In San Francisco, New York, and Los Angeles, robberies related to internet-enabled hand-held devices (including tablets) give up accounted for 50, 40, and 25 percent respectively of all robberies in 2012. Manufacturing one tablet trains the extraction of 33 pounds of minerals, 79 gallons of water, and 100 kilowatt hours of fogey fuels resulting in 66 pounds of carbon dioxide.Students who mathematical functiond an interactive, digital version of an Algebra 1 textbook for Apples iPad in Californias Riverside Unified School District in 2012 scored 20 percent higher on standardized tests vs. students who learned with print textbooks. During the 2011-12 school year more than 13,700 US children, aged 5 to 18, were inured in hospitals and doctors offices for backpack-related injuries such as contusions, sprains, fractures, and strains to the back and shoulders. changegetting into the pros and cons. personify I. PRO Tablet a. Tablets help students learn more material faster. b.Tablets spate hold hundreds of textbooks on one d evice, plus homework, quizzes, and other files, eliminating the need for somatogenic storage of books and classroom materials. c. E-textbooks on tablets cost on average 50-60% slight than print textbooks. d. Tablets help students better prepare for a world immersed in technology. II. CON Tablet a. Tablets have too many distractions for classroom use. b. some(prenominal) students do not have sufficient home internet bandwidth to use tablets. c. The average battery life of a tablet is 7. 26 hours, shorter than the duration of a school day. d. Tablets shift the focus of learning from the teacher to the technology. * TransitionIn closing, Computers are getting smarter all the time. Scientists tell us that currently they depart be able to blither to us. (And by they, I miserly computers. I doubt scientists will ever be able to talk to us. ) Dave Barry. Conclusion I. Opponents of tablets say that they are expensive, too distracting for students, easy to break, and costly/ long to fix. They say that tablets contribute to eyestrain, headaches, and blurred vision, emergence the excuses available for students not doing their homework, require costly Wi-Fi networks, and become quickly outdated as new technologies are released.II. Proponents of tablets say that they are supported by most teachers and students, are a lot lighter than print textbooks, and improve standardized test scores. They say that tablets stop hold hundreds of textbooks, save the environment by lowering the amount of printing, increase student interactivity and creativity, and that digital textbooks are cheaper than print textbooks. III. 43% of Americans con online books, magazines, or newspapers. Amazon announced in July 2010 that e-books were outselling paper books, and a July 2012 report by the Association of American Publishers showed that e-book revenue IV. xceeded that of hardcover books for the first time ever. 80% of publishers now produce e-books. While e-books sales rose 117% from 2010 to 2011, the print book business declined 2. 5% in 2011 to $27. 2 billion from $27. 9 billion in 2010. However, over 90% of educational textbooks are still read on paper, and only 30% of textbook titles are available electronically. V. I feel that transfer to tablets isnt a bad idea. Considering you will only have to keep up with the tablet and not 5-6 different books for one class. It will also help the children in K-12 to learn and soon master technology

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